Friday, April 22, 2005

Deagu-Changwon Cherry Blossom Hunt

I find it humorous that a group of Korean Army Officers would be carrying shopping bags around. I found it even funnier when I started reading them.

Jamie this ones for you.

It's kinda like the Rose Bowl only a "little" stinkier.

The many faces of the rock. This is a statue in the Deagu Train Station. Thought it was comical that this passes as art.

It says Daejon. I know cuz I read it!

Yeah there are time when I fell like my skincare isn't that great either.

Ahh the colors of spring. Brought to you by "Whoau"

Dali-jew to you too! No idea what this is but its FUNNY!

We saw this large crowd gathering around this van with police protection. The only thing we could figure was that there was a book or CD signing or something. What else would get a gaggle of school girls all worked up?

While waling around we found the street where fake food was made. Who'd a think it?

Korea where eveything is a 4th grade art project.

Went to the"Heavy Bar" to check out a band. Must say that I often think if red, chain smoking bunnies with holes in their heads when the work Heavy is mentioned.

The band we saw in Deagu. It seems that the lead singer also works with Roberta in Changwon. The funny thing about this concert is that despite the 'look" of a seedy bar there was an ample supply of innocent teen and preteen school girls still in their uniforms even!

A foggy mountain that soo reminded me of the Marin Headlands.

I would kill to have to walk this path everyday.

A profusion of blooms!

Roberta my hostess for the weekend. I was sooo glad that she insisted that I come see her place.

Yeah this was great love the whole thing.

One of the best parts of the morning a few strawberries on OJ. MMMMMMMM!

Saw some monkeys at the circuls next to the bus station. BTW the monkeys the little guy on the left.

More monkey business. People were feeding them anything and everything.

These are little girls panties folks. This is one of those moments when Konglish goes a bit to far.

So the face makes sense now right?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Thailand Spring Break 05

"Ah Cose there's going to be so much waiting for us in Thailand."

"Now here's the deal Cose......" Agne layin the law down, too bad the ducks a bad listener."

Cose the protector. To bad the guy behind you is still going to loose his lunch and be so sauced that he couldn't get the barf bag open.

"Where's the boat?"

US waiting for our first river taxi, we had no idea what we were in for.


"Yeah Ange I totally think we can dismantle it and fit it on your porch, No Ploblem!"

One of these things is not like the other,

One of these things just doesn't belong.

Awww isn't Cose sweet. He picked up lunch for us. Now that's a gentleman.

Yeah don't give him too many props though it only cost him 2 bucks.

"Ange kimche really has gotten you ready for a whole lot of new taste experiences hasn't it?"

This has to be the bombdigedist satay ever! Plus it's cool to look at huh?

Today Philp will be preparing for us.....

Ange ordering the BEST satay I have ever had. I could have licked the peanut sauce bowl when we were done, sadly I would have had to beat down Ang first.

Gotta love those get to know the people moments.

This is the ticket taker on the boat. He stands on the outside and does his job while this boat FLIES down the river. Can we all say "hazard pay?"

Okay right off the bat this was not ment to be a butt shot but it is. So here ya go a Thai Butt Shot Gotta love the daring of this women, before the boat ever stops she's on the edge ready to jump onto the pier.